Since 2010, ATALIAN is committed to a Sustainable Development strategy. Namely it has incorporated the principles and framework of the ISO 26000 norm on Corporate Social Responsibility into all its operations. Since then ATALIAN has demonstrated its commitments to CSR in a variety of ways. Our Group became a member of the United Nations Global Compact in 2012. Two years later ATALIAN signed the French Diversity Charter. In 2015, ATALIAN demonstrated its commitment to environmental protection by signing the Caring for Climate Declaration and drafting a Responsible Procurement Policy. In 2016 ATALIAN issued a CSR Charter addressed to staff and clients alike.
ATALIAN is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact scheme since 2012. The Global Compact is a UN initiative that aims to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and to report on their implementation. It is a principle based framework that encompasses ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
In late 2014, ATALIAN became a signatory to the French Charter for Diversity in order to express and officialise its commitment to non-discrimination and its pledge in favour of diversity. The charter is composed of 6 articles that encourage companies to fight against discrimination and promote diversity in the work-place.
ATALIAN signed the Caring for Climate declaration in December 2015. Through this action, ATALIAN wishes to highlight its strategy in terms of CSR and share its sound practices in favour of climate change mitigation.
At ATALIAN, we base our decisions, professional dealings and business relations upon the fundamental principle of integrity. That is why ATALIAN decided to draw-up a Code of ethics whose objective is to raise our staffs’ awareness of the importance of moral qualities. Upon joining our company, staff must pledge to be upright and to respect the fundamental values of the Group, as well as contribute to preserving an atmosphere of trust. In 2017, the Code of Ethics was reviewed to detect any anti-corruption or anti-competitive practices.
With its specific structure and management system called “Procurement Excellence”, the Corporate Procurement Department aims to achieve excellence in the quality of services delivered, as well as transparency and a sense of partnership with regards to its clients, suppliers and sub-contractors. In order to reach this goal, the Director decided to draw-up a Sustainable Procurement Policy. This document, whose scope is both internal and external, includes a Sustainable Procurement Charter, which suppliers and sub-contractors are asked to sign, as well as an Ethical Procurement Charter which is aimed at ATALIAN staff. To this day, more than 50 sustainable procurement commitments have been signed by our suppliers.
ATALIAN signed the Caring for Climate declaration in December 2015. Through this action, ATALIAN wishes to highlight its strategy in terms of CSR and share its sound practices in favour of climate change mitigation.
ATALIAN decided to formalise its CSR commitments and objectives by drawing-up a CSR Charter. This document aims to demonstrate ATALIAN’s commitment to CSR, but also to quality assurance and improving our client’s performance and satisfaction.
ATALIAN is an active member of the Sustainable Development Directors Committee (C3D). This French non-profit organisation invites Sustainable Development Directors and Managers to attend workshops and committees on Sustainable Development. Thus, allowing ATALIAN to keep abreast of the strategic orientations of major corporations and anticipate changes in the issues affecting their clients.